C&L Design Specialists Gallery of Real Cabinet Photos
If you are online and browsing for cabinet photos, you have undoubtedly come across many websites. Have you ever wondered how some companies manage to get such model-perfect shots? Do they bring in cleaning crews to polish door knobs and squeegy the windows? Do they hire an interior decorator to position and color coordinate all the decor? Um, not likely.
No doubt, these photos are very pleasing. Still, there is something about that bowl of Cheerios on the counter that looks a bit too sterile. The reason is because these photos are ‘staged’. And 90% of the companies in our industry are featuring staged photos on their websites.
C&L Design Specialists will Never use Staged Cabinet Photos
We encourage you to visit other websites. Do you see what we see? Just too perfect, right? Now, check out our photo gallery >>HERE<<. None of our photos are staged and every shot in our gallery belongs to C&L Design Specialists. So when you’re ready for the real thing, consider giving C&L a call at 951-471-4VIP (4847).