You have one room to work with. Should you make it an office that gets used all the time? Then you won’t have that guest room you’ve been wanting though. If you put a bed in there, there won’t be any room for a desk. What to do? An office with a...
Many people need more bookcase storage for their books. Some people need a lot more. Here we’ve helped this client with a built in bookcase. Custom designed just for his space, it really maximizes the area.
I love this beautiful kitchen. Raised panel doors are a classic look. The island featured clipped corners with reed pillars. The whole thing is brought together with that back splash. Thinking of redoing your own kitchen but need some ideas? Ready for a quote?...
Like many new homes, this one came with media niches. What better place for some custom cabinets. We built in these white lacquer cabinets for them and we can build them for you too. Get started on your cabinet project.
We can generally schedule a design appointment within a few days. We try and be accommodating to your schedule, so let us know the best day and time to come out and we’ll be there with plenty of color samples and design ideas. You can expect the appointment to...