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Here’s How Not To Get Fooled!

What a way to start a post, “how not to get fooled”. For nearly two-decades C&L has been an advocate of educating the custom cabinetry client. Let’s say someone handed you a piece of white melamine and a piece of paint grade maple, would you...

Real Custom Cabinetry Vs Prefab “Custom Cabinetry”

It seems like when I write a book about the difference, some clients still don’t get it Real custom never needs a passport! This should help. C&L Design Specialists, when you’re ready for real custom! 888-467-4847

Custom Cabinetry Delay

Why is there a custom cabinetry delay? In a word, shortage! Shortage of materials is number one. C&L has had to scramble to find the same quality materials that we have been building from for the past 18-years. Building our stellar reputation on a quality product...

Custom Home Bars for 2022

Being a leader in custom home bar projects for nearly two decades, C&L Design Specialists is usually the first one called. Even though we’re based in Southern California we receive calls from states like Florida, New Jersey, and just yesterday New Hampshire....

Customize Your Work-At-Home Office

As the recent past has dictated, a vast amount of those who have worked at an office have now begun working from home. Those that have had a functional office at a jobsite now face the dilemma of using their kitchen catch-all desk, or the work center they bought for...
The Home Business Office Is Now Our Future.

The Home Business Office Is Now Our Future.

The Store-Bought Home Office vs The Custom Home Business Office. The future of business. Now that you’ve become the master of your own destiny, it’s time for your master plan! Here are some questions you should ask yourself when making sure your new Home...